we find ourselves being drawn to particular healing tools and ceremonial objects; an invisible pull that lets us know, without
doubt, that we're supposed to be working with the spirit of the piece.
"That said, there's nothing
quite like working with raw materials, blending our energies with those of mother nature to create something unique to us;
when we craft our own tools, we build a special bond that can rarely be broken."
Through Firechild,
Taz Thornton offers a range of medicine crafts, including jewellery, drums, rattles, wands and staffs. Items can either be
channelled for the individual, or created during a one to one or small group training session at the Firechild Shamanic Crafts
Studio in Spalding, Lincolshire.
Email or call 07920 461040 to find out more or book a craft workshop with Taz.
Be sure to check out our Medicine Jewellery, Shaman Stones and Wands and More pages for a flavour of Taz's work.